


At ClinicOl, we provide expert care under the guidance of Mr. Ahmad A. Hariri for patients requiring hemithyroidectomy. This procedure involves the removal of half of the thyroid gland, typically recommended for thyroid nodules, goiters, or suspicion of thyroid cancer. The thyroid gland is vital for regulating important body functions, and this surgery helps address specific thyroid-related issues.

Your Hemithyroidectomy

The information provided here is for general purposes only and should not replace consultation with a healthcare professional.

Understanding Hemithyroidectomy

Important Considerations

Preparing for Surgery

Pre-Surgery Consultation:
A detailed discussion of the procedure and risks.
Fasting for a specific time before surgery.
Prepare questions for your surgeon.

What to Expect on the Day of Surgery

Check in and provide necessary information.
Vital signs and IV preparation.
Surgery Procedure:
General anaesthesia and removal of half of the thyroid.

Recovery After Surgery

Post-Surgery Ward:
Waking up in the recovery area under nurse monitoring.
Pain and Discomfort:
Pain medication for relief.
Detailed instructions for wound care and follow-up.

Further Information

Your Surgeon:
Your primary source for reliable information on your procedure.
British Thyroid Foundation:
American Thyroid Association:

Free Download Resources

We offer useful downloadable leaflets on thyroid health, surgery recovery, and patient care tips.